
October 25th, 2024

How do we decide what to do about the mathematics resources we’ve been offered?

Kura have a decision to make in the next two weeks: which of the commercial mathematics resources offered by the government should we order (if any)? Although kura do not have to choose any of the resources, free stuff does not come along very often in education, and mathematics resources for kura have been few and far between in the last twenty years. It is a big call.



The Mathematics Education Collective Aotearoa a have created a short guide to deciding on what is best for your ākonga and kura.

The Mathematics Education Collective Aotearoa is an informal group of mathematics educators, teacher educators and researchers from across Aotearoa who share a commitment to equitable, inclusive and strengths-focused mathematics education with tamariki at the centre. To learn more, connect or contact for further information email Fiona Ell: or Jessie Shuker:

PMA Newsletter

Read the latest PMA newsletter to keep up to date of maths and stats happenings. Also check out competitions and offers.

Prismatic Journal

Prismatic (Practice and Research in Statistics and Mathematics) is an online journal of research and practice in mathematics and statistics education, designed to connect and inform people who are interested in the teaching and learning of mathematics and statistics at the primary and secondary levels of schooling. You can read the latest edition via the button below – make sure you subscribe to get notified of future editions.

AMA online

The Auckland Mathematics Association (AMA) are once again hosting free maths PD online via zoom  from 9am to 1pm. The morning begins with a keynote at 9am, followed by workshop options at 10am, 11am or 12pm. Workshops provide a range of topics suitable for year levels from Y0-13. Have a browse and then sign up for one, two, three or all four sessions. The final session for this year will be held on November 6th. 

Census at School

CensusAtSchool New Zealand – TataurangaKiTeKura Aotearoa celebrates the launch of their tenth biennial survey next month to once again comprehensively chart children’s views of their own lives. From May 10, the voice of Kiwi students, from Year 3 upwards, will be heard on wide-ranging issues.

Follow us on Facebook for latest news

We now have a Facebook page which will be another way that you can keep in touch with the latest news in regards to PMA. The content will be developing as time goes on, but for now, you can search for Primary Mathematics Association and ‘like’ our page.